Cone Beam 3D Imaging

Cone Beam 3D Imaging

The dental health field is always moving forward and at Humphries Dental, we pride ourselves in keeping up. New technologies like the Cone Beam 3D Imaging systems allow us to be more precise than ever before with our diagnosis. Precise diagnosis leads to effective treatment and that’s what you’ll find in our dental practice.

What is Cone Beam 3D Imaging?

Cone Beam 3D Imaging is one of the latest advancements in radiography. The system uses an X-Ray beam that is shaped like a cone that takes hundreds of individual images and puts them together in a three-dimensional image of your mouth in real-time. This device allows dentists to see hard and soft tissue in a level of detail that was previously unattainable and has made diagnosing and treating many dental health conditions much easier and effective.

Why is Cone Beam 3D Imaging so Accurate?

Quite simply, cone beam technology provides more information than any traditional radiographic equipment. The scan produced by this system is a three-dimensional image composed of about 600 slides of individual images. This means a higher level of fidelity, resolution, and accuracy.

Benefits of Cone Beam 3D Imaging
  • More detailed imaging
  • Higher accuracy in diagnosis
  • Lower radiation exposure
Want an Accurate Diagnosis with Cone Beam 3D Imaging in Bay City, Texas?

At Humphries Dental you’ll find every dental service you need, informed by the latest in dental imaging technology. In our practice, you can take advantage of the precise diagnosis offered by Cone Beam 3D Imaging and the skilled hands to make the smile you’ve always dreamed of, a reality. Call our offices today to learn more!