Night Guards

Night Guards

Do you find yourself grinding your teeth at night, leaving you with horrible pain and discomfort when you wake up in the morning? We can help you take care of this problem for good with our custom-made night guards!

What are Night Guards?

Night guards act as a comfortable barrier between your top and bottom teeth while you sleep. They prevent tooth and jaw pain stemming from consistent grinding and clenching. When you come to our office, we will use a digital impression to make a completely custom-made night guard so it will fit in your mouth perfectly!

What are Symptoms of Bruxism?

You might think it would be hard to tell since it happens when you’re asleep, but there are numerous obvious signs you might notice if you experience teeth grinding, or bruxism.

  • Sensitive teeth
  • Pain in your neck or face
  • Sore or painful jaw
  • Chipped teeth
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Headaches
What are the Benefits of Night Guards?

With night guards, you won’t have to deal with the annoying and painful symptoms of bruxism anymore, plus you’ll be able to get a better night’s sleep. Here are some other benefits you can look forward to:

  • Your facial muscles will feel more relaxed
  • No more costly trips to fix chipped teeth
  • You’ll wake up more well-rested
Are You Looking for Night Guards in Bay City, Texas?

You don’t have to deal with pain from grinding your teeth at night anymore. When you come to Humphries Dental, we can set you up with a night guard that will bring lasting change to your nights. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment!